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Why don’t you need Redux anymore?

It is the most popular package for managing state in the React ecosystem. For this reason, there is a dedicated package called React-Redux for React.js apps. With hundreds of actions a user can take in the interface, you need a good system and logic in place to manage the dynamic state of your app. This process requires passing data to multiple app components, syncing between them, and storing the app state.

When should you use Redux

From the engineers’ point of view, a huge benefit of Redux is in improving the developer experience. It makes handling complex logic easier by keeping it organized rather than dispersed throughout the app. On top of that, it provides convenient testing and debugging tools that save software engineers a lot of time. I’ve read about redux but I think redux is not suitable for every app and use case and I should not store single-use responses to redux. Expo Router provides an excellent file-based routing solution with crucial features such as deep linking and native support. Functional programming involves writing simpler, smaller and isolated functions.

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If you are starting a new React project with Create-React-App, then add Redux with the template. If you are adding redux to an existing project, you have to install it manually. Each of the child components passes prop to the next child components. Since React has one-way data binding, it’s not possible for the Header to access the state inside the Body. Our members can have information like their name, username, and avatar. Inside the app, it is usually stored in the root component.

  • If your application becomes so complex that you are confused about where state is stored or how state changes, then it is a good time to learn Redux.
  • Redux Toolkit is the new recommended pattern of working with Redux.
  • We have a checkout page that shows the items we have purchased with their respective prices and the total shopping cart price.
  • If you do not have problems with state management, you might find the benefits of Redux harder to understand.
  • In the current landscape, various approaches to state management exist before resorting to external libraries like Redux.

Once you’ve mastered the Redux flow, everything starts to look like global state. They offer a way to manage state within a React component without the need for a centralized store, and they can be easier to understand and work with than Redux. Another alternative for managing state in a React application is the useReducer hook.

Benefits of using Redux

Component state updated with setState() will again suffice. They are the only way you can send data from your application to your Redux store. The data can be from user interactions, API calls, or even form submissions. 💡 store refers to the object that holds the application data shared between components. There are three core components in Redux — actions, store, and reducers.

When should you use Redux

It’s a great tool, and there are some great reasons to use it, but there are also reasons you might not want to use it. Make informed decisions about your tools, and understand the tradeoffs involved in each decision.


It may be best to start with a simpler solution and only add Redux if it is truly necessary for the project. After creating the slice, we will now create a store and add our color slice reducer to it. A store is like a global variable that holds all the application states. But if you are making a real application, then passing state and methods can become a daunting task. React Redux makes it easier to access the global state from any component. It helps us put all of the application states in a global variable called the store.

When we want to send the local state down to the deeply nested children component, it’s called prop drilling. Renowned for its widespread adoption, Redux is a state management library that furnishes external storage to uphold the state of a React application. If you want to add Redux to your React app, you’ll need to use the official React Redux binding library provided and maintained by the Redux team. In this case, I use a response and list only on the games-list page. So I think it’s not logical I store a response.data into redux and then get all data with connecting and another process…

Complex, Global State

Remember, this data is not needed by the parent component, but because its children need to share data, it has to provide a state. In an app where data is shared among components, it might be confusing to actually know where a state should live. what is redux and why it matters Ideally, the data in a component should live in just one component, so sharing data among sibling components becomes difficult. State management is essentially a way to facilitate the communication and sharing of data across components.

When should you use Redux

It’s a trade-off between short term and long term productivity. We have a checkout page that shows the items we have purchased with their respective prices and the total shopping cart price. We manage all of this state with local component state in the Checkout component. Then, we go to implement the NavBar component which shows the number of items in the cart and the total shopping cart price. In other words, we have two disparate components that need to read and possibly update the same state.

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Sure the argument that Redux isn’t a great fit for every application out there exists, and that’s true. Any projects or ideas where you used redux would be appreciated . We recommend that most new learners should focus on learning React first, and wait to learn Redux until after you’re already comfortable with React.

A method for updating this state is provided by the parent component and passed as props to these sibling components. Another benefit of these alternatives is improved performance. There are a few alternative state management options available for React applications that do not require the use of Redux. These options include the React context API and the useReducer hook.

Instead, there are alternative options worth considering. It appears that far not all React apps really need Redux. In many cases, the app state and data can be managed using alternative approaches with lower overhead and simpler implementation.

When should you use Redux

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